It brings well-being and boosts our energy levels by exercising the whole body in a complete and uniform way. It strengthens and tones the muscles, improves posture and increases flexibility, while coordinating and balancing both the body and the mind by controlling our breath.

In five (5) classes you begin to feel the difference, in ten (10) classes others feel it too, in twenty (20) classes you have a completely new body.

S. Pilates

It is a physical and mental workout. It consists of precision exercises that focus on technique and repetition control.

Pilates believed that the torso is the "power" of the body, so every exercise focuses on the torso. The torso encompasses everything within the transverse abdominis, back muscles, pelvis.

The benefits of Pilatesː

  • Muscle flexibility 
  • Symmetrical posture
  • Breath control
  • Strengthening of the abdominal and dorsal muscles as well as the whole body in general
  • Strengthening of the spine and pelvis
  • Protection of the joints
  • Weight loss
  • Mental calmness
  • Stress reduction 
  • Well-being, energy, vitality
  • Whole body workout

Pilates is an exercise for all ages even if for those who have never exercised before, because it is a safe and gentle method, it is also suitable for pregnant women, seniors and children because it is adapted to each person according to their needs. An excellent workout for people who are in recovery period after surgery, for those who have musculoskeletal injuries, osteoporosis, neck, back, knee, hip, shoulder pain and during the post-pregnancy period.