An overall harmonious relaxation that heals the body. To that end, the coordination of the three dimensions of the body, mind and soul is needed. “YOGI BHAJAN”

Yoga Nitra is a systematic method that induces a well-rounded physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It is a powerful technique through which one learns to relax consciously.

This term is derived from two Sanskrit words: Yoga meaning unity, awareness and Nidra meaning sleep. During the practice the person appears to be asleep but their consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. It is a state of dynamic sleep with countless benefitsː It

  • Significantly rejuvenates the parasympathetic nervous system
  • Distributes the energy activated by the workout
  • Releases muscle tension as well as blood flow
  • Activates the endocrine system
  • Balances emotional fluctuations
  • Teaches stress management and the ability to relax
  • Makes us "Remember" the feeling of relaxation
  • Creates a new pattern after the abandonment of the old one
  • Forms an energy rhythm or pulse